Archive for August 2nd, 2008

How sweet is this?

It seems I’ve been awarded a Brilliant Blog Award by Susie at digginginthedirt. Thank you Susie, I feel quite honored to be nominated by you for this award. How sweet of you to consider me!

So here’s what else I’m suppose to do.
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs.
5. Leave a message on your nominees’ blog.
So, even though I would love to nominate all the blogs I read, here is who I’m nominating:


We’ve been getting these freak afternoon showers everyday this week. Of course it’s not enough to really make a difference in the garden overall, but it does seem to cool things off a bit. I really liked the way these raindrops just beaded up on this canna leaf. My rain barrels are getting low so I’m hoping for a real downpour soon. But it’s August now, our hottest month in the summer and I’m not holding my breath. This summer has been unusual for us, because we usually are in a drought by July 1st and this year we actually got more than our average for the month overall. Here’s hoping that everyone’s summer is not too unbearable and that we get some occasional showers to cool us off as well as the plants. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.