Archive for August 25th, 2008

Tomatoes, Squash & Lettuce

It’s been awhile since I did an update on my container veggie garden. I planted Black Seeded Simpson lettuce seeds earlier this week as some of you may know in my salad bowl container. And I have teeny tiny seedlings sprouting in masses. Once they get somewhat larger I will have to thin them out a bit. My tomato plant has seen better days earlier in the season, but seems to be producing yummy little cherry tomatoes in spite of the drought, blossom rot and some type of wilt on part of the plant. I had to remove some of the foliage & I gave it a good dose of calcium with a few eggshells mixed in the soil. The squash is struggling through some removal of leaves that were diseased and is getting blossom rot at times too. I gave it the same treatment as the tomato. The tomatoe cage was an okay idea but maybe some type of trellis system would work better. Hopefully they will hold out for the remainder of the growing season. This has been my first attempt with squash and I haven’t grown veggies on a consistent basis ever. Next year I hope to have a designated veggie bed or two. It depends on how many I can talk hubby into building for me. 😉 I am the idea person and he makes the actual project come to life. But all this container vegetable growing has inspired and challenged me to try new things next season. Plus watching all you bloggers show off your harvest has been encouraging too. It’s nice that we can inspire and encourage each other in new endeavors in gardening.