Archive for August 17th, 2008

A sweet reminder of autumn

Clematis terniflora ‘Sweet Autumn’ is an evergreen vine in my zone 7 garden that can reach up to 30 feet in a season. I have to keep it in check with severe pruning from early spring into the

early part of July. It blooms off of new wood so this intensive pruning does not diminish the blooms come August. The blossoms are small & white and when blooming in mass are quite spectacular. I love the light sweet fragrance that permeates the garden in the morning & evening hours. In my research of this vigorous vine I found numerous sources that stated not to plant this in your garden due to it’s invasive tendencies. Now I didn’t plant this Clematis in my garden, it was growing wildly among the overgrown vegetation in what is now my Arbor Garden. This area was a dumping ground for the previous owner of leaves & grass clippings and had various plants struggling to survive in the abundant shade from several weedy trees that were growing in the corner of my yard. When I removed those trees shortly after moving in we found a variety of perennials, shrubs, as well as Iris growing there. Initially I didn’t even know what this vine was for several years. I did suspect some type of native because of the rapid growth and strong survival skills. In fact, this year I was finally able to identify it for sure as Clematis terniflora. I had suspected that it was indeed this plant for the past couple of years. Every year I consider ripping it out, which at this point would be a task since the trucks are at least 3-4″ in diameter, but then it blooms and the scent is so sweet that it gets a reprieve again. The corner of my yard it occupies is on two trellises mounted to the fence and the post gives it a great deal of support. Its’ tendrils cascade over the fence and try to take over my neighbor’s overgrown Nandinas. He told me not to worry about it because if it gets too wild he just chops it off the bushes, lol. In the early morning the sun just lights up that corner as it reflects off the lovely little star like flowers. And when it starts blooming each August in the garden, it’s a gentle & sweet reminder that is fall is indeed upon us.