Archive for the ‘Insects/Bugs’ Category

Wordless Wednesday- Writing Spider

Argiope aurantia or Writing Spider or Black & Yellow Garden Spider or Corn Spider

They love the Buddleia

Bees and Butterflies adore the Buddleia or Butterfly Bush in my front garden bed.  It doesn’t matter what time of day you step out there, you will find various little creatures buzzing around sipping the sweet nectar from the white fragrant blooms.  The other day there was a mass of Painted Ladies and Bees.  Today I found this common Skipper and several Bumblebees doing their dance.  Normally they ignore me and just keep drinking.  I didn’t stay out there too long, it’s hot and muggy.  Hope everyone has a nice weekend, I guess alot of you will be going to the Seattle Spring Fling.  We will get to see tons of great posts and pics when they get back.  Have fun everyone!  🙂

Wordless Wednesday: Bzzzzz

Echinacea 'White Swan'

If you plant it, they will come

(From upper L-R: Monarch Caterpillar, Butterfly Weed, Milkweed Aphids and Monarch Caterpillar)

It’s inevitable that if you plant Butterfly Weed or Milkweed you will find these critters grazing on your plants.  The Aphids can be chased away with a simple squirt from the garden hose or you can leave them for the Ladybugs to eat.  Either way the cycle of life goes on and on.  My single plant did so well this summer in the garden that I went out and bought two more of these reblooming perennials.  I was going to wait until fall to plant but decided that if I gave them alittle extra attention this month they would probably be fine.  And so far they are doing really well, obviously since the caterpillars are happily munching away on them.  🙂

Wordless Wednesday – Wildlife