Archive for August 24th, 2008

My Creative Space

Brenda came up with a brilliant idea of letting us bloggers display our creative spaces. To see other creative spaces where ‘everyday women in everyday spaces’ create their blogs or other artistic endeavors please visit The Brenda Blog.

When you live in a 40 year old tiny ranch house you have to be creative with every inch of valuable space. My workspace is in the master bedroom squeezed in between the entry door & the bathroom. To be even more practical, my TV doubles as my monitor. Ignore the cat food container to the right, like I said I have to be creative with storage. Plus the cat hangs out in our room most of the time when he’s in the house. My chair is foldable which means it is easy to store elsewhere when the computer is not in use. This is where I work on my blog, surf the Internet, and read blogs on Blotanical. 🙂

This is my husbands one area of the house he was allowed to decorate. lol We have an Ohio State theme as you can see. The calendar is great for keeping track of appointments. When you have teenagers you are a busy, busy, mom. It’s always something day to day. See there is my TV/Monitor. It’s a 19″ LCD and the perfect size for both television viewing and computer usage.

Behind me is where my garden helper ‘Spaz’ likes to lounge while I’m busy on the computer. Does she look comfy? lol This is my childhood bedroom set, its about 100 years old. My grandmother gave this to us when she moved in several years ago. Another family treasure that lives in my house. I hope you enjoyed your tour of my creative space.