Archive for January 9th, 2009

Life Choices

new-posts-001My husband and I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but we do try to make life choices.  Our life choices for this year are to try to eat healthier and to get more physical activity.   Years ago we had a gym membership and got some free sessions with a fitness coach.  During those sessions we were introduced to a great book called Eating for Life which has some tasty but healthy recipes.  They have tons of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even low-fat snacks.  Even my boys enjoy the meals I’ve made from this book.  The second part of our “life choices plan” is to get more exercise this year.  When it gets cold outside I’m tempted to be lazy and hibernate indoors.  However there is a beautiful park just up the street that has a walking trail about 2 miles in distance.   (More info will be discussed about this  park in a later post)  We even can take thenew-posts-002 dogs with us as long as we clean up any messes they might make along the way.  They even have doggy cleanup stations where they provide baggies and a disposable can for this purpose.   We started on Monday this week with the intentions of walking every day (weather permitting of course) and then it rained Tues & Wed which derailed us a bit.  Today the sun came out and it was in the upper 40’s so off we went to the park for our brisk walk with Spaz.  She even enjoyed the pace we set, lol.  We came home to a nutritious breakfast of fat free yogurt, a banana & coffee.  OK I know coffee isn’t a healthy option, but I need at least one cup of coffee (two is best) to get my day off to a good start.  🙂   What life choices did you make for 2009?