Archive for January 8th, 2009

Bargain Garden Art


Look what I picked up at my local  Big Lots yesterday.  I like to stop in there occasionally to check out their garden section.  I’ve found some great stuff over the years at bargain prices .  Don’t you think these hanging planter jars will look great on my garden shed?  Especially when I finally paint it the creamy tan color to match the siding on the house.   I’m thinking one on either side of the doors.  Or maybe an asymmetrical look with both mounted on one side & maybe the sign on the opposite.   For visual reference, the lightest tan stripe in the runner above  is similar to the color of my siding .   The sign is metal and has a nice weight to it.  They also had some Paperwhites and Amaryllis kits for forcing.  Each kit came with 3 bulbs, a small pot and a peat moss disk that you soak in water to create the soil.  I’m kicking myself now since the cost was minimal and I had nothing to lose by giving them a try.  Can you believe I have never forced bulbs? Me neither, and I call myself a gardener. 🙂  Oh well, I am happy with my finds and they will be great additions to the garden this spring.  Now my only dilemma is what to plant in the new containers…….lol