Archive for January 4th, 2009

Half a Year in Review (May-Dec 2008) Part 2

clematis_dr_ruppel-yir-sept1This is the second part to a Half a Year in Review.  You can check out part 1 here.  September was a month of new blooms from the Clematis ‘Dr Ruppel’ after a much anticipated 18 months.  An out of town guest gave us an opportunity to visit  the Jamestown Settlement which you can read about here and here in a two part post.  My most popular post to date was published in September.  And it was Great Timing Pays Off!  where I revamped the Woodland Garden with some compost and strategic moving of plants. September was a busy month for me in the garden with the reworking of several beds including the Arbor Garden and putting a nice layer of compost in all of the beds.  As you will see in the photos below,  ‘Limelight’ Hydrangea (left) gets a much needed trim to create valuable planting revamping-the-garden-yir-sept1space underneath.  The Arbor garden (middle) was given a total revamping.  In the third photo (right)  the end results of the Woodland Garden after transplanting and a good rainfall.  In October, the second most popular post was  Look What I got in the Mail! when I received the much coveted Hydrangea ‘Pinky Winky’ via mail-order.  After seeing it on Joy’s blog I knew I had to add it to my garden as well.   October was a great month for adding new perennials, bulbs and a great Welcome Sign blogaversary prize that I won from Tina!  Some of the new additions are pictured below.  From Left to right (Bicolor Muscari, Foxtail Lily ‘Bungei’, Purple Sensation Alliums, and my lovely handmade garden sign)2009-01-03_163556

(photos of bulbs are courtesy of

I also participated in the Garden Blogger Fall Color Project  in October which was hosted by Dave.  November brought cooler temps and the first frost which had me musing on the approach of winter as I created the following poem.   It was also a month for reliving my former glory years with Deb from Aunt Debbi’s Garden.  But mostly November was a month for fall cleanup, planting bulbs and preparing the garden for winter.   The remaining color was coming from the foliage on the ornamental shrubs and what was left on the trees.  mosaic8312398

Last but not least is the month of December.    I was rewarded with roses in December  and was fortunate to participate in a seed swap with other generous garden bloggers.  This is the time of the year when we are busy celebrating the holidays with our families.  My family enjoyed our yearly traditions and I enjoyed the opportunity to share some of them with all of you.  Hope you enjoyed my review of my half year in the garden blogging realm.  🙂2009-01-03_183353