Archive for February 7th, 2009

Can you guess what this is? (and an Award)


Can anyone guess what is in this capsule?  If you guessed seeds you would be correct.  These are the teeny tiny seeds of Angelonia Serena (purple) that I ordered from Park Seed last month.  This is  a pelleted seed and can be fragile so the company packages it in a low moisture capsule for shipping purposes. First time I’ve seen this type of packaging for seeds. They included detailed instructions on how to remove the seeds from it.  You use the capsule once it is opened as a shaker to disperse the seeds evenly on the surface of your growing medium and leave it uncovered.    I grew transplants of these in my new garden this past summer and was instantly in love with this no maintenance annual.  Of course these have to be started indoors 6-8 weeks before my last frost which is around April 15th.  So looks like I will be going outside my comfort zone once more and doing some indoor sowing this season.  Along with these I have  Cosmos Bipinnatus ‘Psyche White’ which also recommends starting indoors from March to May.  I also ordered Thymus Serpyllum (Mother of Thyme) which can  be started outdoors in a raised protected bed in early spring.  I might try starting in containers in the garden until they reach a mature size and can be transplanted elsewhere in the fall.  However after doing some research I’m considering just sowing the seeds directly into the Arbor garden around the stepping stones.   Looks like I’ll be busy soon…


Last night I received the Your Blog is Fabulous award from one of my favorite garden bloggers Deb at Aunt Debbi’s Garden.  Thanks Deb!   The rules state you should list 5 things you are addicted to and pass the award along to 5 blogs you are addicted to:

First off the 5 things I”m addicted to are:

  1.  Gardening – duh!  Who didn’t see that one coming? lol
  2. Reading – I love suspense novels and garden magazines
  3. Chocolate – anything and the more the better  🙂
  4. Blotanical – becoming part of this network of wonderful gardeners has been a joy for me.
  5. Watching garden shows on TV, even though the are few & far between now.

Second part states to pass it along to 5 blogs that I’m addicted to.  Since there are so many wonderful blogs out there and alot of you don’t accept awards I’m going to share this with  all of you!  You all have Fabulous Blogs!  Feel free to play along if you like.  🙂  Thanks again Deb!