Archive for September 2nd, 2009

Seven Things You Don’t know about Me


Here’s a fun Meme that I was invited to by Cameron of  Defining Your Home, Garden & Travel.   I’ll try to be original and not list anything I’ve  mentioned in the past.  🙂

There were conditions with this Meme award. In order to participate I needed to: ( I copied this from Cameron who copied it from Helen of Gardening with Confidence

  1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
  2. Reveal seven things about yourself.
  3. Choose seven other blogs to nominate, and post a link to them. There are so many good ones, this is difficult.
  4. Let each of your choices know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.
  5. And finally, let the tagger know, when your post is up.

Here it goes:

1. I was born in Ohio, then we moved to Texas when I was an adolescent.  I then ended up in Virginia courtesy of the United States Navy.  Here I met my hubby who grew up less than 100 miles from my home in TX and his family was originally from Ohio.  Is that destiny or what?

2. Not only am I passionate gardener, but I am a voracious reader as well.  I can get lost in a book and lose all track of time.  In fact I use to get in trouble as a student for reading novels during other subjects.  😉

3.  My father named me Racquel ( pronounced Ra-Kel) not after Raquel Welch (pronounced Roc-Kel ) as most people assume.  Growing up I’ve had my name slaughtered in all ways possible from Rachel to Reckel to everything in between.   Now I don’t even blink when people mispronounce my name, lol. 

4. Me and my brother were raised by my grandparents from the time I was 5 and he was 3.  These are the same grandparents who now reside with my family.  As in alot of families our roles have reversed. 

5.  My second toes are longer than my first toes.  It’s something that runs on my Dad’s side of the family.  Personally I would of prefered his hazel eyes, lol.  To cheer me up he use to tell me it was a ‘sign of intelligence’.  😉

6.  I joined the Navy at 18 to see the world and spent the entire 7 years in Norfolk, VA.  Now how’s that for irony?

7.  I’m very accident prone.  For example I’ve managed to slice my hand open not once but three times with my garden pruners.  And I always end up burning my arm on the inside of the oven when I’m cooking. 

This was very hard, I really had to put my thinking cap on!

Here’s the seven bloggers I choose to invite to the game:  ( no pressure to play, but I hope you do!)

Deb of Aunt Debbis Garden.  I’ve found a kindred spirit in this fellow drillteamer and mother of boys.  She always makes me laugh with the tales of those monkeys. 

Cynthia of Brambleberries in the Rain.  She’s one of the first few bloggers I met when I joined Blotanical and I’ve enjoyed learning about the many uses of herbs from her.

Kathleen of  Kaseys Korner.  She inspires me with her beautiful photography as well as her creative paper crafting projects that she makes. 

Joy of Garden Joy4 Me.  She is a passionate gardener, lover of cats, and the funniest garden blogger I’ve ever met.  She never fails to make me smile when she comments on my blog.

Dave of The Home Garden.  Now he’s one knowledgeable and busy gardener.  I’ve enjoyed reading his posts about the various projects he’s always undertaking in his own garden.

Darla of  Family and Flowers.  If there were an award for friendliest blogger, she’d get my vote.  I’ve enjoyed her generosity of plants and seeds for my garden. 

Rose of  Prairie Roses Garden.  Her lively banter on her posts is always entertaining.  This is one of the bloggers I would of loved to meet (along with her buddy Beckie) if I had been able to attend this last get together in Chicago. 

Wow this was hard too! There are so many great and interesting bloggers out there, choosing just seven was a feat!