Archive for July 20th, 2009

It wouldn’t be summer without…

Crepe Myrtle2

Crepe Myrtle

The big cotton candy clouds of Crepe Myrtle blooms.  My city at this time of the year had glorious displays in colors ranging from deep reds, lavender, white and the hot pink such as mine.  Everywhere you look from street corners to private yards you’ll find these wonderful ornamental trees.  And as they mature you can enjoy their mottled trunks that are smooth after their bark exfoliates.  This gives some winter interest after the foliage & blooms are long gone.  Unfortunately I only have one of these beauties in my own garden, but I hope to add more in the future.  Come fall the leaves will turn into brilliant shades of crimson, yellow and orange.  So really it’s a tree for all seasons.  🙂