
Over the past few years I’ve been adding more ornamental shrubs to the garden.  Whether they be dwarf or massive in size, the structure they provide is welcome and necessary.  Here’s a few  that I’m crazy about at the moment:

Viburnum 'Winterthur'

Viburnum 'Winterthur'

Last fall I finally added a much needed Viburnum to the garden.  I picked two of these up at the Native Plant Sale in September and they have grown at least 6-8″ since then.  When I purchased them they had their beautiful fall berries that ranged in color from pale pink to a deep blue.  These blooms were worth the wait.  And the scent is like fresh linen just off the line in summer. 

Camelia japonica 'Pink Perfection'

Camelia japonica 'Pink Perfection'

The Camelia was added to the garden earlier this spring.  It must be happy with it’s current location since it has sprouted 3″ of new foliage on all the branches.  This evergreen will be a welcome addition to the Woodland Garden this winter with it’s shiny green leaves and hopefully some beautiful blooms. 

Spirea 'Goldmound'

Spirea 'Goldmound'

I know I showed a closeup of the blooms on this plant a couple of days ago but here’s a good shot of the entire bush. This is one of my oldest ornamental shrubs since it was added to the Arbor Garden over 5 years ago.  It grows pretty quickly in the first couple of years reaching it’s maximum height of about 24″.  Great for small spaces and the bees are absolutely buzzing with joy over the blooms right now.  😉  Some of my other favorite ornamentals are Hydrangeas (of course), Dwarf Pygmy Barberry, and Azaleas.  What are some of yours?

14 responses to this post.

  1. Oh, fresh linen right off the clothesline is such a nice smell! I have a viburnum here that I just cannot describe the smell. I just love the viburnums and all shrubs. That camelia looks wonderful with the ferns and hosta.

    Yes it is, that is the closest thing I can think of when the scent hits my senses. Thanks Tina, yours is pretty fabulous too, looks like we were on the save wavelength today. 😉


  2. Your viburnum looks a lot vibrant! And that Spirea is HUGE! [thumbs up]

    Thank you Chandramouli! 😉


  3. Hi Racquel~~ Yes, it is a barberry. Berberis thunbergii ‘Crimson Pygmy.’ I’ve had it in this spot for almost ten years, if you can believe it. A few years ago I cut some of the errant stems but for the most part it has kept up its namesake and remains a pygmy. I have B. t. ‘Rosy Glow’ too and it has grown exponentially and requires constant pruning. Ouch.

    Love your shrub choices.

    Hi Grace, I knew it looked familiar. I love the one in my garden, it’s so low maintenance & looks great spring, summer & fall. Ouch is right on constant pruning of a Barberry, they are some prickly plants. 😉 Thanks!


  4. I love hydrangeas, too. The blue ones. My parents had a bed of them in the front of their house when I was a kid. They also had azaleas, which are really stunning. Cheers!

    What’s funny is I did learn to appreciate these old fashioned shrubs until I was deep in my 30’s! lol. With the new cultivars they are developing they don’t feel like Grandma’s plants anymore. Thanks for stopping by today Avis! 🙂


  5. Racquel, I keep trying to leave a comment, maybe one will go through eventually. 🙂 The spirea is beautiful when in loom, but the color of it’s leaves will add such a bright spot to your garden. Cameias are a favorite of mine, but we are not able to grow them here. Can’t wait to see it in bloom.

    Gotcha Beckie, don’t know why it keeps spamming you, sorry about that. Thanks I love the bright cheerful foliage of the Spirea whether it is blooming or not. 🙂 I promise to share my Camelia blooms this winter if it graces me with some.


  6. Racquel,
    We’re trying to add more shrubs to the garden too. But we keep using all the space for Iris and Daylilies!–

    You guys are definitely addicted to your Daylillies & Iris, lol! But you have some wonderful specimens so I don’t blame you. 😉 Save some space for Spirea ‘Goldmound’, she’s worth it!


  7. Oh, my. Pink Perfection! I haven’t seen or heard of one since I was a little girl about 7 years old and an old neighbor with a grand camellia garden picked some for me. Thank you for the memories and for sharing you plants.

    Hi Kim, I’m glad my post brought back fond childhood memories for you. 🙂 I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but for some reason it won’t let me.


  8. I have still been eyeballing the Spirea around town here. As soon as I can get to the nursery, there will be some in my gardens!!

    You will absolutely love it Darla, such a easy going ornamental shrub in the garden. And the bees just love the blooms too! 😉


  9. I like your spirea and have been thinking about getting a Goldmound for a couple years. We have them at the shop and they are carefree and look nice all summer.

    They really are a carefree plant in the garden Marnie. You will love it if you get one. 🙂


  10. I have a viburnum…an American Cranberry…whick has grown beautifully and has nice red fall color, but does nothing else. No blooms in spring or red berries, like promised. Does it need time to establish or what’s up do you think?

    I know that most Viburnums are not self-pollinating and will require another variety to cross-pollinate with and yield fruit. As far as the flowers go I’m not sure on that one, sorry.


  11. I definitely love MY viburnum, too. I like the way you described the scent – “linen”. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

    It is an Ahhhhhhhhhhhh scent isn’t it? 😉 Thanks for stopping by today Rebecca.


  12. Posted by Susie on May 22, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    That goldmound is really pretty. I think I should get some for my yard. Your viburnum is really pretty too!

    Thanks Susie, you would love them in your yard! 🙂


  13. Nice shots Racquel. I love Viburnums too and hydrangeas. I have an oakleaf variety of the latter. I also like elderberries (because the birds do). Looks like yours are all happy in your garden.

    Thanks Kathleen. I can’t wait for my ‘Little Honey’ Oakleaf to get bigger. I’ve wanted an oakleaf variety for some time now. 😉 I’m trying to add more things for the birds too.


  14. Everything looks nice. The camelia certainly looks very happy where it is at. I miss camelias, I used to have a lot of them before I moved to the frozen north LOL I’d consider one for a house plant if my dogs didn’t tear up everything they can get their paws on!

    Thank you Nickie for stopping by today. I’m glad you enjoyed my ornamentals! I know what you mean, I don’t have houseplants cause my cat likes to taste test stuff, lol. 😉


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