Winter approaches

Winter approaches as foliage that was once rich in color morphs into a tapestry of hues like an autumn sunset.  The yellows, oranges, reds and greens blend together in harmony on a cool crisp day.

What was once alive slowly dies and falls to the ground on a windy autumn day.  The trees release their leaves only to scatter them to the earth and blanket the plants with warmth and texture.

Blossoms fade from summer pastels into the neutral tones of tan and brown.  Their crisp petals drying in the cool days of November to a new shade of the season to come.

No longer producing new blooms the threat of winter approaching encourages seeds to form and scatter in the wind.  Survival becomes a necessity if not for today then for another season yet to come.

The vibrant green leaves that were rich in chlorophyll are now yellow with age.  Soon the frost will complete the winter task of forcing these stems into dormancy once again. 

It will mottle the faces of tender blooms and burn their foliage with it’s cold presence.  Winter approaches the garden with a mission and another autumn will end.

29 responses to this post.

  1. Nice Site layout for your blog. I am looking forward to reading more from you.

    Tom Humes

    Thanks Tom, I’m glad you like my layout. Thanks for stopping by today.


  2. Lovely post! A little sweet, a little sad. I love the colours in the first photo.

    Thanks Sunita. Just musing about the season. 😉 That is the Dwarf Pygmy Barberry in the first photo with the colorful foliage. I love it too.


  3. What a great post. Winter arrives here in a different way but your words and images brought back memories for us from growing up in colder climates.

    Thanks Guyz! I’m glad my little poetry today brought back some happy memories of winters past!


  4. Posted by greenwalks on November 3, 2008 at 11:24 am

    Very poetic! Is that a Solomon’s Seal in the 2nd to last photo? It’s so cool-looking!

    Thanks Karen, I feel poetic yesterday when I wrote this post. Yes it is Solomon’s Seal. A very cool plant to have in the shade garden.


  5. Feeling a little melancholy? That’s okay-it’s the time of the year for it. Before we know it, it will be ‘Spring approaches’! Great pictures.

    Maybe just alittle Beckie. It has been quite dreary out for the past couple of days. Sunlight brightens my mood. 🙂 Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures today.


  6. It is that time of year isn’t it. I think that as the plants die back we gardeners sort of retreat physically and mentally. Our consolation is thinking upbeat thoughts about next year and making plans.

    Yes it is EG. That is exactly how I tend to respond to the season. It will become a rest period with time to contemplate next year’s wonders in the garden.


  7. How true. Even as we prepare the garden for winter the plants themselves are preparing.

    Yes they are preparing for a long winter’s nap Cindy.


  8. So true. It never seems like fall lasts long enough, does it? I mean technically it’s supposed to be fall until December, but winter always starts WAY before that here in my eyes.

    It does seem to fly on by Cinj! Winter seems to steal the show before fall can finish its’ act.


  9. Beautiful post Racquel…sigh…you handle winter’s approach so well!

    Thanks Linda. I’m glad you enjoyed the post today. I’m just adjusting to the seasons as best as I can. 😉


  10. Love the first photo best. All those different colors blending to perfectly.

    Thanks Marnie, that is the wonderful foliage of the Dwarf Pygmy Barberry you are enjoying.


  11. I love hydrangea blooms — even dried. There’s just something about them that is so nostalgic for me.
    What are the blue flowers — penstemon or angelonia or something else? I can’t quite tell from the photo. -Cameron

    They do dry beautifully, I tend to leave mine on the shrub for winter interest. I guess the nostalgic part would be that they were grown in our grandmother’s gardens for me. Those are Angelonia. Sorry that picture was alittle blurry.


  12. That’s a lovely post Racquel! Are you becoming a poet? Or have you been all along and you are just now letting it out? Either way I enjoyed your words, very descriptive and colorful.

    Thank you Susie. I guess I’m a poet & didn’t know it. lol Actually I’ve always enjoying writing poems. The mood has to strike me and these pictures gave me inspiration. I’m so glad you enjoyed my words today.


  13. I like the new layout too. I can’t believe your Solomon’s Seal has changed just like Gail’s. Mine still hasn’t. But it will soon I am sure. Nearly winter for sure.

    Thank you Tina. I am happy with the new theme for my blog too. Yep the Solomon’s Seal reacted to that frost & then the warm up. Winter is coming…


  14. After a couple of windy days, it’s looking more like winter here than fall. Nice photos for your post.

    I know what you mean Kathleen, it’s been dreary, windy & cool here. The leaves are starting to really fall now. Thanks!


  15. I don’t really want to think about winter, but I know it’s coming! It always does! Our Solomon’s seal is still green for now but will fade soon.

    I don’t either, but it’s coming regardless. I think my frost & then sudden warm up colored my Solomon’s Seal.


  16. ‘…..tapestry of hues like an autumn sunset’ (beautifully said) on your header too! Wow, I love the fact that your header photo is also your story/topic. The changing colours are tinged with sadness but there’s hope too in the thought of seeds sprouting in another season. Beautiful description and photos.

    I’m glad you enjoyed my little poetic prose today Kanak. 🙂 I knew you would like the matching header too, you inspired me to do that.


  17. Very well written and nice photos explaining the text. Great job, Racquel.~~Dee

    Why thank you very much Dee! 🙂


  18. What an interesting take on the season change, I like it . If you are like me you are constantly thinking about the things to come and what needs to be moved where for a better showing next year. Love your blog!

    Thank you Darla. I’m glad you found my post today intereting. I am constantly thinking how to change the garden for a better look. 🙂


  19. Racquel…that first picture is beautiful. I love those muted colors.

    Thanks Balisha, that is my Dwarf Pygmy Barberry in the first shot. It has gorgeous fall colors.


  20. The trees provide the blooms of Fall … cool pics!

    That’s how I feel too Mom. Thanks! 🙂


  21. Yes, as always, for everything there is a season. And we’re having a lovely display here.

    And the season to come as well Brenda. Thank you! 🙂


  22. What a beautiful post! Love the pictures and the words. Perfect! Jean

    Why thank you Jean. I’m glad you loved the my bit of prose today. 🙂


  23. Beautiful post, Racquel! Although we know that winter is coming, we can still enjoy the colors of autumn as long as they last. And, of course, there is always the hope of spring!

    Thanks Rose! 🙂 Every season brings new colors to the garden. Autumn is the most vibrant!


  24. Hi Racquel, beautiful provocative words and images. I do love the colors of the solomen seals. Ours have been showing off for several weeks for some reason, I never noticed how the brighten up that shady corner. Yours are wonderful, as is everything about your lovely garden.

    Why thank you Frances. You are such a whiz with words that I take that as high praise from the guru herself! 🙂 Solomon’s Seal is one of my favorite shady perennials. Their variegated foliage really brightens up the garden even when they start to fade to this yellowish color. Thanks!


  25. Racquel, What a very lovely post you have written and shared with us…thank you. Although we have had unusually warm weather and fall seems to be hanging on for quite a while…Winter is going to arrive. All the signs are here! Denial is after all denial! Gail

    You are quite welcome Gail. I’m glad you enjoyed my post today. You are correct, winter will come whether we want it to or not. 😉


  26. fall is flying by too fast. i don’t like the overcast days of winter but it is a good time to get caught up on crafting.

    It does seem to be flying on by this year Marmee. I know what you mean, it will be a good time for me to get caught on other projects in the house too.


  27. How lovely, the photos and the words! Love the color of your bayberry-HOWEVER that one I’ll just admire. (I’m not a fan of thorny things:)

    Thank you Carla. I’m glad you enjoyed the words & photos today. 🙂 It is thorny but the beauty it provides is worth it.


  28. Posted by dpnguyen on November 4, 2008 at 12:06 am

    There is a lot of fun in fall colors, but it’s sad to see your plants die and wilt and flower petals slowly fade away.

    It is sad DP, but tomorrow is another day in the garden. The spring will renew everything & make it fresh again. 🙂


  29. Oh Racquel, that’s wonderful! Will not forget to take a look at all your headers.

    Thank you Kanak. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Keep an eye out for my changing headers. 😉


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