Archive for June 25th, 2009

Butterflies, Beans and Blooms

It’s a good thing I was out front yesterday trying to get a shot of this beautiful flying beauty on the coneflowers.  Ten seconds after I took the shot my cat Mooch was trying to catch it.  I shooed him away and the Swallowtail escaped safe and sound. 

The beans are finally blooming which means soon I will have some delicious pods forming.   This year I’m growing this organic purple podded bean since it looked interesting in the catalog as well as my old standby ‘Kentucky Wonder’ pole beans.  Here’s hoping it’s a good season and we get a large harvest.  Fresh beans from the vine, yum!

The Rose Garden is smelling pretty good right now since the Phlox ‘Robert Poore’ is starting to bloom.  In the evening & early morning it is the most delicious scent combined with the subtle sweet smell of the Knockout Roses.  Good thing too cause the middle part of the day is too hot & humid to even venture into that part of the yard.  Ten seconds out there and I’m a puddle of sweat.  However the morning & evening hours are still cool & pleasant.  Soon that will be a thing of the past & a wall of heat will hit you no matter the hour.  I’m enjoying it while it lasts.  🙂