Fall Checklist


It’s the beginning of November and winter is approaching inch by inch.  My backyard has been a soggy mess for the past few days due to rain.  The wind that came with the rain is blowing leaves all over the place. This is just the first wave of leaves to fall.  There will be a lot more before it’s all said and done.   Once everything has a chance to dry out I have to get busy in the garden.  There are many things left to do  to prepare it for the dormant season.  Here is a list I put together:

  • Harvest what’s left of my lettuce from the Salad Bowl Container
  • Transplant Alliums that are sprouting under bench in Arbor Garden
  • Cut back Peony, Asiatic Lily, and Liatris foliage after first hard frost
  • Shred and rake leaves that are in backyard
  • Put some of these leaves in the compost bins
  • Mulch beds with remaining shredded leaves
  • Mow the grass until first hard frost
  • Weeding of front foundation beds
  • Topdress Rose Garden with compost
  • Clean out Grandma’s garden bed
  • Clean & store garden art
  • Clean & store water pumps (from fountains)
  • Keep birdbaths clean w/fresh water
  • Keep birdfeeders filled with fresh seed
  • Collect seed from perennials & annuals 
  • Clean & store garden tools for the winter
  • Continue to turn compost in bins weekly

Then maybe I can sit down with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa and relax in front of the fireplace.  That is my favorite wintertime activity.  What chores do you still have left to do in the garden?

23 responses to this post.

  1. There is no rest for someone as busy as you. I like this view of the shed. I can see how that will make a nice little place for just you some day.

    Nope, rest isn’t in my nature Anna. 😉 Thank you, it does provide a nice backdrop for the new garden and like you said maybe a nice place for me someday.


  2. Posted by greenwalks on November 6, 2008 at 1:35 am

    I was just thinking today that if I made a list of all the things I should do in the garden before winter, I would probably get very depressed and not do any of them! There’s a reason your garden looks a lot more tidy and healthy than mine… my strategy is just to go out when I have time and get done what seems most pressing. Many tasks will be left undone, alas!

    I’m kind of an organized person by nature Karen. Lists keep me sane, lol Everyone has their own way of doing things when it comes to gardening. Sometimes I think I may be neat and should let the garden get a more natural look to it. 🙂


  3. Your list appears to be about as long as mine! I too am waiting for a break in the rain so I can get out there and get some last minute things done. Winter is fast on my tail I am afraid! 🙂

    Tis the season Cynthia. This rain doesn’t seem to want to let up yet. It will be hard to get some things done with a soggy ground. Hopefully their is a break in the horizon for both of us. 🙂


  4. Good list!

    Thank you Karen! 🙂


  5. Leaves, leaves leaves–that will be our big chore. They are just now starting to fall though. I need to plant the bulbs that are in the frig late this month–it’s still so warm here! Once the cold hits, I’ll be right there with you in front of the fire with a good book, or handwork–soft music playing and candles lit! sigh….

    That is one of our largest chores too Linda. And the sad part is I don’t have as many trees anymore, but my neighbor’s leaves tend to end up in my yard too. 🙂 You probably are able to wait much later in the season to plant your bulbs. Usually I need mine planted by the beginning of November. I’ve procrastinated until late November and it worked out okay. Sounds like we have the same wintertime activities! 😉


  6. Posted by Sylvia (England) on November 6, 2008 at 8:21 am

    I am just glad that I only have to do some those jobs for the winter. We are able to garden all winter unless it is too wet, it is only the wet that keeps me out of the garden. This year we graveled the lawn in our small back garden so it should be easier this winter. We get light frosts but the ground doesn’t freeze (well it hasn’t done for years now!). Best wishes Sylvia (England)

    You are quite lucky to be able to garden year round. Of course I enjoy my winter break & I think the plants do too. Sounds like your gravel should help with the wetness that I’m sure makes for a muddy mess in the winter. We definitely will get a hard freeze here, only Mother Nature knows when that first one will strike. Best wishes to you too Sylvia!


  7. Lots! Mainly I have to plant a ton of plants and bulbs soon. The plants being first since it is due to rain tonight. Yikes-not much time! We have not had rain in two weeks and I am amazed you all on the east coast are getting so much. Have a great day-hope it turns nice so you can get your fall checklist done.

    You better get busy Tina with the rain set to come your way! We’ve been getting rain for 2 or 3 days now and I’m tired of it. It leaves me no option of working in the yard at all. 😦 Thanks, I need the sun to come out & dry up this soggy mess.


  8. I love that swing. I hope you get some time to enjoy it with a list as long as you have. We have many leaves to rake and throw in the garden and I must get that garlic planted in these final (well, you never know but probably the final) warm days of the year.

    Thanks Cindy. I usually sit on it in the morning with a cup of coffee & absorb the garden. I won’t be raking until the sun comes out & dries up this soggy mess! Looks like you have a list yourself. Good luck!


  9. Most of your todo list is on mine too. Strong winds today so all the leaves will be down and need to be taken care of first.

    I guess this time of the year does create similiar tasks for most of us. The wind does create some work in the yard!


  10. My husband would just love you. He is such a planner and obviously, so are you! He makes lists for everything. I guess I need to start making more lists. If I had done so I wouldn’t have let his birthday creep up on me(it’s today) or forgotten my brothers birthday is this Saturday. I don’t know where my head has been lately. I guess, up in the clouds.

    Lists?!? I better write that down so I won’t forget to make one!) lol.

    What’s left to do in my garden? I’m transplanting shrubs right now from around my wet birdbath area to higher ground. I also need to dig up some Dahlia bulbs to store. Raking leaves is a definite but not now since they will be falling for several weeks. The humingbird feeder finally came down and got cleaned. I’m sure there are many more things that will be done.

    It keeps me sane being organized Susie. 🙂 I’ve always made lists and it drives my hubby crazy. He is more spur of the moment. lol I guess we balance each other out that way. You are too funny with writing it down to make a list! lol This is a great time to transplant shrubs. I don’t dig up my dahlias and they seem to survive our winter months no problem. We usually rake our leaves around Thanksgiving because by then most of them are down & the city starts collecting them from the curb. Sounds like you have a few things left to do too!


  11. Well, I have been cutting back the grass from around the flower beds, of course everytime I do this the beds get larger! I have been planting some new plants and spring bulbs and moving some things around. Lord knows I need to mow. Don’t know if I want to mulch the beds or just around certain plants, like the Firespike, Cats Whiskers, Fire Bush, Sage………still thinking about that one..Yes mam I have a long list too. I really like that photo though.

    I have to do that each year too Darla. Getting bigger isn’t a bad thing, lol. Perfect time of the year for planting bulbs & perennials and transplanting. I need to mow too, it needs to stop raining first. 🙂 Sounds like you will quite busy this fall too. Thanks, I’m glad you like the photo. I really enjoy this photo program I’m using to create frame effects.


  12. I haven’t made a list, but it would be similar to yours…without any lettuce to harvest and I have different plants. With our waterfall/stream constantly running, we don’t keep a birdbath. There are little shallow areas in the sunshine where the birds take their baths! They put on quite a performance by the east patio. Some of the seeds that I’ve already collected are sprouting. Also, the purchased seeds (poppies and larkspur) and bulbs (allium) are emerging. They’ll be fine over the winter here.

    Our areas are so similar I’m sure our fall chores are similar too. You don’t need a birdbath with that beautiful waterfall & stream. I’m sure the birds really enjoy the moving water. My Alliums are emerging too.


  13. Okay Racquel! You’ve done way more than me already and now you are planning on more. 🙂 You put me to shame. But I think I’m going to have an excuse as it’s supoosed to start raining and turn colder. If I get nothing else done this fall, I want to clean out the bed where the morning glory was. There are several sunflower stalks and vines everywhere. Hope you get done all that you want.

    I’m a sucker for punishment Beckie, lol I don’t blame you the rain & cold make it impossible to work in the yard. I would definitely take care of that Morning Glory, you will be having them everywhere next year. 🙂 I hope I get it all done too, hence the list to motivate me. lol


  14. I’m afraid I’d be tempted to sit in the swing and not do anything at all. Too tempting 🙂

    It is tempting EG! Don’t remind me! lol


  15. Lots of things on your list are on mine too. We haven’t had the rain you’ve been enjoying but the wind is sure blowing. Most of the leaves will be gone by the time it stops. So raking and mulching are my priority. I hope you get it all done quickly so you can enjoy that cocoa!!

    I hope you get your list of things done too Kathleen! Then we can both take a break for the winter. 🙂


  16. A good reminder list; that has reminded me that there is a package of Purple Sensation that needs to go in the garden! Thank you Racquel!

    You are quite welcome for the gently reminder Gail! 🙂 I planted some of those this year too!


  17. Hi Racquel,
    We are having rain today and the leaves are coming down so fast. I have done some of the things on your list, but have several things left to do. I do wish that I had your energy.

    Hi Balisha. It’s been raining here for 3 days now and I’m tired of it. 😦 I won’t be able to take care of some these tasks until it stops. Hope you get your list done too! I’ll send you some positive energy vibes!


  18. Posted by Sandy on November 6, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    I had to laugh when I read this. This afternoon, I made a list of all my getting ready for winter “indoor” chores! All I have left to do in the garden is turn over the bird bath, but I am waiting for the crows to be done with it.

    lol, guess we are on the same wavelength at the moment Sandy. I will probably bring my concrete birdbath in for the winter because it needs repairs for next season. You are ahead of the curve!


  19. I am tired just reading your “to do list” 🙂

    Me too Mom, lol. 🙂


  20. Well, at least the rain makes the weeding easier! Yeah, Salix took up the first leaf fall last Saturday, and the front yard is already about 2″ deep. Ranunculus will have fun when things dry up a bit–we hope soon!

    That is the only positive at the moment. My yard is a soggy mess. 🙂 That’s why we usually wait till around Thanksgiving to do our big leaf raking of the fall. The trees are still quite full right now. I think he will have a blast romping in those leaves, lol. My dogs love it.


  21. I am impressed with your list – or maybe that you have a list and I don’t…Well most of our chores are done here. The wind and weather have caused a mess of leaves in the front yard, but we are wet now. It might be a while before there is a chance to pick those leaves up. Weatherman says rain and snow the next few days and then below freezing highs for a few days too.

    Nice to see your winter list is not very long 😉

    Thanks Chris, my years of military service & administrative work have made me overly organized in every aspect of my life. I’m sure the snow is wreaking havoc on your winter chores. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that kind of weather yet, the rain is bad enough. 😉


  22. I think I am just going to cut and copy your to do list and take it as my own.

    Ok Deb, lol. 🙂


  23. When I hit “post a comment”, Racquel, the first comment I saw was Greenwalk’s. LOL, we think alike! I have a to-do list, but it can get pretty overwhelming. I decided to save a few geraniums today before the colder weather hit us, and I brought in a couple other pots. But other than raking leaves and planting a few bulbs that still haven’t arrived, once it gets cold, I’m done for the year! Whatever is left undone will just have to wait till spring.
    Looks like you’re going to have a busy November!

    That is funny that you & GW are on the same page. Sounds like you have a plan for the fall with your bulb planting & raking leaves. Most of my list can be done fairly quickly once the rain is gone. 🙂


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