Archive for July 23rd, 2011

Veggie Garden Update

This is what I harvested from my veggie garden this morning.  Considering how hot & dry it’s been this week  I was pleased with what I found out there.  And below is what I’ve done with them so far:

Two large cukes later and I have a quart of refrigerator dill pickles.  Yum!  🙂  And I still have one small one left to put in salads tonight for dinner with some of the tomatoes I also picked this morning.  Part of that yellow squash in the previous photo will also be included.  While the rest will be fried up for a nice summer snack.

Six decent sized green bell peppers sliced up almost fills up this gallon size freezer bag.  These will be used over the next month or so in stews, potato pouches etc…  And that was my Veggie Garden update for this week.  Hope everyone is staying cool.  🙂